Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Type wars

Why type are you?


  1. My type is Arial, I just feel like its playful yet serious, and its very easy to read(well for me) it might be a weakness just because the font is kind of big but its strength is that it is easy to read and its a decent size for people who have a hard time reading.

  2. My blog has a good San-Serif (Cantarell) darker font on a white background. I adjusted the size of the font to be viewer friendlier.
    1. Large attention grabbing title for “Taylor’s Takeaway”
    2. Need to learn HOW NOT TO ALL CAPS text within the paragraph. I’m truly trying.

  3. I'm a "whatever is default type" kind of a person. For the most part I suppose that means Arial or Times New Roman.

  4. Like Nate, my type is default. I think these types get the job done and are easy to read.

  5. My type is Arial. It has always been one of my favorite fonts, and it mimics Helvetica, which is another one of my favorite fonts. It is easy to read and the contrast in color makes the type flow.

  6. I'm definitely Times New Roman. Simple, not flashy, just a guy who goes about his business and is as consistent as possible.

  7. I am Times New Roman, mainly because I like to keep things simple, but elegant.
