Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Monday, September 12, 2016

Going for "the drama," and Do you use "Power Words"?

Go for the drama. What does that mean?
"The three of them stood there, holding three hand made signs, protesting Trump, as a constant stream of all kinds of people flowed by, heading for the rally inside the Oklahoma City convention center yesterday.
"Two of them are students at Oklahoma City Community College, the other a student at Mid-Del High School. 
I spotted them as I rounded the south side of the building, curious about the types of people and the event. No, I didn't have tickets and intended to hold up my own protest sign, hoping to find others.
"They were the only ones,  there of their own volition. Two were registered Republicans, one wearing a Tea Party shirt. The other was too young to vote."
Check your last blog post. Did you use any of these?Power word list
What makes a "power" word?

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, Scary, Sweaty, Exciting, and more but I will try to use more power words now that I am aware.
