Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Blog essay guidelines

  •  500-word essay
  • Due OCT. 18 at start of class--No email
  •  Blogging and its impact on an area of your interest.
  • Organization:
  1. Intro, thesis statement
  2. What your views are, citing weblinks.
  3. Conclusion
  • To be typed in 12 point, Times New Roman font. double-spaced. One side of the paper.
  • This essay is worth 100 points.
  • Warning--A misspelled word costs you 50 points. If I find one, I quit grading, give you a 50 and an F.
  • Grammar, punctuation, other errors cost five points each.
  • No fancy covers. First page, your name, Title of paper, and start writing. Staple pages together. List links and other sources separately at end of essay.
  • You will also submit the paper as an attachment to, so that I can submit it to for plagiarism check, if I think necessary. 

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