Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today's presentation

Post one thing you learned and one potential final test question on today's presentation by

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Schedule changes

No class on Nov.14, or Nov. 19.

Nov. 14--International Festival--writing assignment

Those presentations schedule Nov. 19 will be moved:

Oct. 31-- Lauren Hamilton
Nov. 5-Tosh Miller, Josh Ray
Nov. 7--Paij Beck, Stormi Yost
Nov. 12--Kenji Gritton, Sydney Monday
Nov. 21--Michael Moore, Kate Graham, Mandilyn Legaard

Today's presentations

Post below one thing you learned about blogging, and one potential final test question, from each of today's presentations, by end of class today. 10 points credit not available after deadline:

1. Tonica Figueroa,
2. Ryan Maren

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today's presentations

Same assignment-
Post below one thing you learned about blogging, and one potential final test question, from each of today's presentations, by end of class today. 10 points credit not available after deadline:
  1. Rachel
  2. Maryam

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today's presentations

Post below one thing you learned about blogging, and one potential final test question, from each of today's presentations, by end of class today. 10 points credit not available after deadline:

  1. Lacey Rhodes--
  2. Daniel

International festival

The UCO International Student festival is Nov. 14, from 11 to 2 in the Nigh University Center. There will be no class that day.
Your assignment: Attend, eat some food, and interview one of the students from a country (If you're in international media class, it may not be the same student or country you interview for that class).
Due Thursday, at start of class, Nov, 21--500 word paper about their views of blogging in their country.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Today's presentations

Post below one thing you learned about blogging, and one potential final test question, from each of today's presentations, by end of class today. 10 points credit not available after deadline:

1. Brooks Nickell--http:/;
2. Amaya
3. Jaycob

Final test question in this article

Read this article about Chinese bloggers being busted by the government in yesterday's New York Times. What do you think would be a final test question from this article? Post below, by 5 pm Friday.
Busting China's Bloggers

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Presentation assignments

At the end of each day's presentations, you will post
1. One thing you gained from the presentation
2. One potential final test question from the blog presentaiton

Presentation assignments

At the end of each presentation day, you will comment on Blogblog, two things:
1. One thing you gained from the presentation.
2. One potential final test question from the blog.

First two sentences

Comment below, during class today, writing the first two sentences of your blog essay that is due Thrusday.
Remember...essay due at start of class, stapled. Don not expect to print it here in class.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Presentation schedule and rules

Presentation rules—you must be here for all presentations. In addition to absences, you lose 10 points.
Remember, outline to excuse for not having enough
We’ll discuss each presentation and draw one potential final question from it.

Presentation dates:
Oct. 17--Brooks Nickell, Amaya Williams, Jaykob Janes
Oct. 22--Lacey Rhodes, Daniel Spurr
 Oct. 24--Rachel Brocklehurst, Maryam Ghavidel
Oct. 29--Tonica Figueroa, Ryan Maren
Oct. 31--Stormi Yost, Lauren Hamilton
Nov. 5-7--Tosh Miller, Josh Ray
12 or 14--Kenji Gritton, Sydney Monday
Nov. 19--Paij Beck, Mandilyn Legaard
Nov. 21--Michael Moore, Kate Graham
Nov. 26--Kyle Schwab, Katy Kastl
Dec. 3--Charlie Gile

Blog speaker Thursday

Dr. Kurt Hochenauer of the UCO English Department will speak to the class Thursday.
His Blog, Okie Funk--Notes From The Outback, has been recognized nationally. Scan his blog and read his last post.

Your assignment.
Today--after scanning his blog, post two questions you'd like him to consider, below.
  1. Take notes on what he says about blogging, and post at least two paragraphs, on your blog, your thoughts about how it applies to you and your blog, or anything else about his speech. 
  2. I will grade your notes Tuesday.