Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Today's presentations assignment

Here are the links to the two blog presentations today.

Click and comment below on at least two ideas or pieces of advice you can use on your blog.
Stevie Armstrong--"beloved":

Nida Nizmi--MissMalini


  1. 1. Stay true to yourself. Don't worry about people judging you for what you stand for, represent, or believe in.

    2. Don't doubt the potential you blog has. You may just be doing it as a hobby now, but someday it could become your profession.

  2. With Amy Groeschel's blog, I really admired the discipline she puts into her blog. I also like that it's a new venture, with a rocky start but she is still plowing through and honing her skills.

  3. I found it crazy that on MissMalini, she receives an extraordinary amount of hits a month! Also, I like how she interacts with her followers and replies positively to negative comments.

  4. Stevie, I loved hearing about Amy Groeschel's blog. I think it's awesome to see the side of LC that is often hidden behind Craig and the church itself. I like that she is so openhearted, and I think it's important to remember the piece of advice you offered through Amy, that if you influence at least one person a with your blog, you're doing your job.

    Nida, I'm fascinated by Miss Malini and her blog. I think I may start following it in fact. I think it's really neat that you were able to get in touch with her and that shows how important staying interactive with your followers is in the professional world of blogging.

  5. Stevie,

    I loved the blog you follow. I might have to follow it too. How great for that woman to say the things she has to say. I think her weakness of blogging too much probably reflects her passion for the subject. Great job!

    My adviced gained from this is to just say it. Stevie, you said it in your presentation, not everyone is going to like it but say it anyway.


    Your blog was really cool. Good presentation too. I think it's fascinating how somebody can build a brand to that extent. It seems like she works really hard.

    My advice gained from this blog is to work harder than anyone else and something that you care for can become a really cool deal.

  6. Amy Groeschel's blog is pretty interesting. Considering that she just started blogging this year, I am pretty impressed that she still have time to manage her blog regularly while being a good mother and wife.I would say that in blogging, time and focus are the key factors to have a successful blog. You did a good job Stevie!

    Miss Malini's blog is very impressive. She makes a living out of it. That's just great. I learned that blogging can give us a lot of good things if only we have patience and passion in doing it. Good Job Nida!

  7. I love that Amy Groeschel has a blog and is reaching out to people as a ministers wife I find that extremely important. Her blog posts are all uplifting and have a certain happy tone to them. I will focus on getting my blog to be more uplifting like hers.

    Missmalini's blog is very lucrative. I want to start to figure out ways to make money from blogging that would be the most easy job in the world. So fun too

  8. The blog that Stevie Presented; Amy Groeschel's blog "beloved" was unique. I liked how she used simplicity as her base to her blog. I also found her blog interesting because it showed the viewer another side to Life The most helpful tactic that she stated was to keep the posts short and sweet. If needed break one post into three smaller posts.

    Nida's adopted blog was so unusual. I enjoyed reading Miss Malini's blog. I liked the aspect of a societal blog in another country. I learned that you should blog everyday no matter what, as well as connecting with your followers by responding to any and all comments.

  9. Good job on todays presentations I feel like taking good advice like on Amy's blog to keep the blogs short and break up the larger posts. She has a very easy to read simple blog.
    Also I really like the use of all the social media links on Miss Malini's blog and to reply to readers comments.

  10. Groeschel's blog uses great design. The well edited and placed picture with the simple orange/grey/black colored font is pleasing to the eye.

    Miss Malini's blog does a great job with edits to images. Whether it is thought bubbles or a simple border, the small additions make the pictures more entertaining.

  11. Stevie delivered her point well. I think that Christianity is one of humanity's shortcomings, but I also understand that some people can't handle life without a perfect idol. It's an emotional dump truck that keeps people sane. It's good to know that blogs exist to help that out.

    Nida's was truly awesome. I didn't know you could make money from being a well-read socialite. I always thought of socialites as slimy, underhanded people, but Nida has shown me a strong woman who can better herself with special knowledge.

  12. What I took away from Stevie's presentation is that her blogger writes as if she was speaking to the readers. I can relate that back to mine because I feel that my blog is very informational than being personal. Also, her blog can target a specific audience and the way that the blogger writes keeps the blog coming back.

    Nida's blogger is interesting because she is a consistent blogger. I believe that more frequent posts can generate a lot of followers. It keeps the readers interested on to new things that is happening. Also, her blog is interactive which benefits the readers to be a part of the blog rather than just reading it.

  13. Thanks Nida, so happy to read all the positive comments here, love that people notice the passion and that Team MissMalini LOVES blogging!

    @Stevie *lol* kill them with kindess ;)

    @Charmaine S. patience + passion = success!

    @Robyn Breshears @Eliseo Garcia @Peter exactly, interactivity is key! And makes everyone feel included :)

    @Adam Holt love that you noticed the images, we pride ourselves on that yay!

    @Emily Crowder @Pins for Interest @Laura @Chris @Eric McAdoo - do it! It's such a fun creative way to express yourself... remember: "if you build it they will come."

    PS. Thanks for using my blog as a case study Nida, yay! I'd love to see your presentation too! xoxo
