Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Roger Ebert, blogging and media maven

Read this story by David Carr in the New York Times about Roger Ebert, and how he demonstrated the merger of media types for success. What does this tell you about the skills you need and how you need to think about media? Post below, by April 11.


  1. This shows the importance of incorporating and understanding all views of your audience, from the traditionalists to the modern technology lovers. It is also an example of how to take a risk and dive in when times begin to transform, even if the change feels uncomfortable at first.

  2. Roger Ebert is a definite icon, especially when it comes to media types and how he changed their use. It went from a few primary sources of information to being able to blend their newspaper reviews and their television show. He created his own website and made his reviews accessible to everyone.

  3. If nothing else, this article stresses the importance for being adaptable. Ebert began as a newspaper man, ventured into TV, then to blogging, reluctantly to twitter, and all with great success. Additionally, the author details what a great writer Roger Ebert was and how he never lost that, even in only 140 characters. To sum it up, Roger Ebert adapted and overcame the changing times in media

  4. I love that Roger Ebert embraced multi-media platforms and is actually the pioneer for doing so. I didn't know this about him and the story is fantastic. (I loved the paragraph about Oprah). I would really like to see more of this style from journalists in the future. At least at UCO there is a biiiiggg divide between broadcast and print even though we work for the same cause.

  5. To be able to succeed on all sorts of life, i would say flexibility and willingness to learn and understand whatever comes in your way is necessary. I am not saying that we have to accept everything but at least learn to be open-minded about things.

  6. According to the article, Roger Egbert was all about "demonstrating the kind of stickiness and durability that media brands crave." I think this is an important lesson for people who are going into the media field. We have to produce what they are looking for, and as long as we are able to do satiate what they crave, we'll have potential for success in the world of media.

  7. Never become set in your ways and always keep your writing and its content high quality.

  8. In today's society, it's not safe enough to simply stick to one sort of media. You have to be flexible to the changes that are coming your way, adapt to them, and go with the flow. Otherwise, you're sure to be left behind and you'll be long forgotten in no time. Don't fear the new and unknown, but rather view them as ways to develop yourself into something much better than you can be with your current tools.

  9. Roger is one of the most iconic and influential person that is in our society today. When Roger Ebert's life was altered, he altered his way of life. Roger adapted to his new challenges and is still a front runner in our world today. We as bloggers, should all be open and accepting of change, and welcome new forms of social media. He is truly an influential person.

  10. It would be hard to go from print to television to the internet. Each medium has its advantages and it is amazing that he took on the challenge of using a new technology. People have different needs. I know as a younger person I rarely read written print articles, but I will read something online that i normally would look twice at. He was opened minded about different mediums and I like that.

  11. It is best to adapt with the times and continue to evolve rather than to swim against the currents of change. You can build your name recognition by keeping up the technology and staying in the know.

  12. I must learn not to burn bridges. Siskel was his rival, yet he worked with him into stardom. If I had a rival, then I would probably curse him out and try to fight him, but Mr. Ebert has shown me otherwise. Again, I need to use Facebook and Twitter to get my name out. I also need a trademark.

  13. I feel like these days especially, with all of the new advances in technology things are changing in the world as we know it on a daily basis. It is so cool to me to see and elder person who views our new advances as a good thing. And took the initiative to learn and transform his normal routines with the changing times. Instead of hearing elderly people talk bad about our generation and or not understand the changing times. At least he tried, thats what is most important to me. Instead of just not even giving things a try. Roger Ebert was nostalgic in many aspects of life. Sad to hear of his passing.

  14. Roger Ebert was an amazing man. I was very upset when he died. He never took no for an answer and always spoke his mind when he felt it was needed. I learned to adapt with the times, and to never stop wanting to change the way things are.

  15. The best way to become a better writer is adapt to situation that you are in. because the world is changing consistently. As bloggers, we should understand that change is positive thing because this way it can help the mind be more creative.
