Email, something like this:
I'm a senior journalism student at the University of Central Oklahoma who is studying blogging for media.
I have been studying your blog and would like to ask your advice and a few questions by email for a class presentation. My assignment is to
get a a sense of what makes your blog effective, and to learn from your blogger’s experience.
If possible, I'd like to send you those questions this next week, and will need responses by
March 7 if possible.
Please let me know by
Feb. 28 if that is convenient. I look forward to hearing from you.
My professor, Dr. Terry M. Clark, at, can confirm this assignment if you wish.
My blog is XXXXXX.
Thank you,
your name
By Tuesday, Feb. 21--First attempt at adoption contact. Guidelines soon.
By Tuesday, Feb. 28--If no response, to backup
By Thursday, March 2--Blog adoption confirmed, questions submitted by Tuesday, March 7--Contact completed
This assignment is 100 points, 10 percent of your grade.
1. Presentation to be 15 minutes long
2. 1 page outline to every member of class
3. 3-page paper, handed in day of presentation to professor
4. Post your paper on your blog, with screenshot of blog
5. One or two items from each presentation will be discussed for final text questions. Your outline is your study guide.
“We want a sense of what makes this blog effective, and to learn from the blogger’s experience.”