Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Your blog

Comment below--Your name, blog title, and url

Assignment for Aug. 28

Check the posts for Aug. 4 and 18. (Media Equation, Hoot Suite, and Links on blogosphere. Read them.
1. Comment below, one sentence each reading assignment and link, on what you learned about blogging. Due by 5 pm Wednesday Aug. 27.

Find 10 in 20

For Tuesday, Sept. 2

 Find 10 in 20 and evaluate one

Take 20 minutes. Go to and to

1. Find ten blogs of interest to you. Copy links to your blog.

2. Choose one of the blogs you discovered today, or another one you prefer.
Write a two paragraph evaluation of the blog, addressing the following ideas:
  1. What are its strengths?
  2. What ideas about blogging and your blog do you get from it?
  3. What are its weaknesses and how could be improved?
Be sure to include the link to the blog, and include at least one visual image, plus labels at the end of your post.

List by end of class. Comment by 5 p.m. Wed. Sept. 3.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blog ideas and tutorial

Ideas and tutorial

Take 10 minutes to scan this link.
Ideas for your blog
Then view this tutorial

Comment below. What is your blog going to be about and its title?  View tutorial by 5 pm Monday, Aug. 25.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What I expect of you

What do you expect ?
Out of professors, this class, this department, this university?

What I expect of you:
·   To write, speak well
·   To think critically
    (To ask questions)
·   To solve problems
·   To be creative
·   To act ethically
(Including respecting others)
·   To work hard
·   To be adept at technology
·   To be passionate
·   To act like this class is a job
(Be here, and on time)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome bloggers--get to work today

Assignments one:
1. Welcome bloggers. Check and read these links by Thursday.

2. What are two things you learned you didn't know about blogging, posted below by 5 pm Wed. Aug. 19.

3. What have you decided for a title for your blog?

4. Do you have a separate gmail account yet?

5. Once that is set up and you have a blog, have your blog become a follower of this blog, and Coffee with Clark.

In class view:Blogging founder
Did you know

6. Assignment: view this blog, before 5 p.m. Aug. 19 Blog tutorial