Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What have you learned so far?

Comment below, by 9 am Feb. 4, what is the most valuable thing you've learned about blogging so far?


  1. The most valuable thing that I have learned so far in this course is the value of creativity in blogging. I think that coming up with quality content over unique topics is essential to having a great blog.

  2. The most valuable thing I've learned is headlines. They have to be eye catching for people to read them! No one wants to read a story that has a boring title. It's what makes people want to read what you have to say.

  3. The most valuable thing I've learned about blogging is that it is great therapy. I have found confidence in myself. It can help others and help yourself.

  4. A major thing that I learned is that the headline is everything. It has to make someone continue reading, catch their attention, and keep it. Since learning about the headline evaluator, I second guess my titles. With having this resource now, it puts a little less pressure on me.

  5. One major thing that I have learned is writing with quality is way better than quantity. Being able to keep readers attention and not losing them because you are trying to meet a certain word count is really important.

  6. I think the most valuable thing I've learned in this class so far is that people tend to flock towards more easily recognizable words.

  7. One of the most valuable things I have learned about blogging so far is how to utilize my creativity to capture the attention of readers. I have learned how to use power words, creative paragraphs, and better headlines. All of these help to keep readers interested.

  8. I have learned a lot. I have been able to keep up with blogging at least once a week, but I have every intention of moving up to at least twice a week now.

  9. One of the most valuable things that I have learned is how to tag my posts and get them noticed by other people in the blogging community. Before taking this class I never thought about tagging my posts, but now I know that when people search for certain terms it is more likely to bring up my blog post that is tagged with that term.

  10. I have learned that it is important to voice your own opinion, even if it isn't the popular one. Niche blogs do exist and it makes it worth it when you have someone just as interested in a subject as you. It's always good to talk about what you want and have someone appreciate it.

  11. Considering I knew very little about blogging before I started this class I've learned a lot, so it's hard to pinpoint one thing. I think the most important thing I've learned so far is how much actually goes into a blog, from content to headlines to buzzwords. It's a great creative outlet and I'm really starting to enjoy reading other blogs now as well. I feel like everyday we learn something new and valuable that we can apply towards our own blogs.

  12. The biggest thing I have learned about blogging so far in the course is the accessibility of it. Never having blogged before, I didn't realize how easy it was to begin the process. Further than that, I already see the value in posting regularly. I've also learned about the importance of details such as color, font, and tagging.

  13. I've learned setting up a blog is hard and a lot of work.

  14. I would say the biggest thing I have learned is just how important it is to grab the readers attention right out of the gate. I think being creative is a big thing when it comes to headlines. When writing on my blog, I do my best to capture the attention right away by creating a nifty headline that will ultimately lead into what I will write about.

  15. The most valuable thing I've learned through experience is how fulfilling it can be to do a blog. It feels good to let out my thoughts and opinions.

  16. I have learned that all these blogs websites are a head ache to start up. I have really learned tough it is very important to be creative in order to grab traffic to your blog.

  17. I have learned that all these blogs websites are a head ache to start up. I have really learned tough it is very important to be creative in order to grab traffic to your blog.

  18. The most valuable thing I have learned so far is to read and write more. Without doing none of these things I wouldn't be a good writer.

  19. I have learned how what would seem like a mere hobby can result in the creation of a business.

  20. The most valuable thing I've learned so far is that it's important to simply just write. Don't worry about making grand, sweeping statements in your writing. Just write and express.

  21. I have learned that in the blogging world you can talk about anything and everything. The magic to blogging is be creative and just go with it.

  22. The most valuable thing that I have learned is that you must be consistent. Also it's helpful to keep an open mind at all times to give yourself topic ideas.

  23. The most important thing I have learned about blogging is that t is okay to have fun and be yourself. Blogging doesn't have to be so serious all the time. You can blog about your thoughts on pretty much anything.
