Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Why a "journalism" degree is still a good major

Turn to page 2 of this link, and read Jeff Funk's column. Comment below today.
The Oklahoma Publisher

Format for grading your blog presentation

I will use a form that looks like this:

2015 Blogging/ Name__________________
Blog reviewed ______________________________________________
Link _________________________________________
(1--F to 5-A)

(15 points) 1.     History of blog
How long blogging? Why blog? Changes seen? Growth? 

1          2          3          4          5

(15 points)2.     Facts of the blog
Who is the blogger? (Age, profession, etc.)Purpose, Does it make money?   Geographic location? Etc.

1          2          3          4          5

(10 points)3.     Statistics
Followers, hits.  how often blog etc.

1          2          3          4          5

(10 points) 4.     Unique
In what ways?

1          2          3          4          5

(10 points)5.     Strengths

1          2          3          4          5

(10 points)6.     Weaknesses

1          2          3          4          5

(15 points) 7.     Advice of blogger (-20 percent if not contacted)
             How influence your blogging?
            What ideas did you get?
(5 points)8. Scroll through?
(5 points)9. Outline to all members and Clark?
(5 points) 10. Time of presentation? 
11. Extra--power point, etc. (Up to five points)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Today's agenda

1. You have seven links to read and comment about
2. Review presentation schedule changes
3. Quiz passed back
4. Essay comments

Show, don't tell

Read this article and comment below today about how this can affect your blog writing.

Blog writing

Tools for your blog

Check these two links today and comment below about one or two tools from each link you might consider for your blog.

Free tools

More tools

Tools to build your blog

Check these three links today, and comment below about one or two ways you could build traffic to your blog for each link.

Traffic tips

Social media


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Taking Risks?

Advice from professional bloggers. Read and comment below what you find in common and do they give you any ideas for your blog?Successful blogging

Thursday, March 12, 2015

End of semester calendar

There are only 6 weeks of class left. There will not be a class April 30, so the last day of class is April 28.
We begin your blog adoption presentations Tuesday, March 31.  We must do three a day.
1. You must be here for the presentations. Absences count 10 points off your regular grade.
2.  Read the presentation guidelines and follow them. Your presentation loses points by not following them precisely. (They were posted earlier on this blog, Feb. 9.)
3. Do not put off making copies until the day of the presentation. Not being able to find a printer is no excuse and it will cost your grade points.
4. If you miss the day of your presentation, it will be virtually impossible to make up because of the tight schedule. Since this is a major part of your grade you will likely flunk.
5. We will "Debrief" after every presentation, and select two possible final test questions from it .
6. Final, 11 am, May 7.

Your end of semester schedule (No class Tuesday, March 31; Thursday April 30.
April 2--Chisholm Holland, Lindsay Todd, Shane Foshee
April 7--Jeff Burger, Queila Omena
April 9--Cameron Weeden, Katie Ceyler, Garrot Scott
April 14--Sydney Lane, Emily Schlabach, Chase Buss
April 16--Katie Wagoner, Mason Grimes, Danny Flores
April 21--Rick Lemon, Sarah Nishimata,  Jackson Reber, Emily Hahn
April 23--Emily Stinson, Kanesha Brown,Taylor Favell, Alyson Acklin
April 28--Natasha Schmidt 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The "racist" okie legislature?

Seven bills legalizing discrimination against gays? Maybe the authors all belong to SAE?
Racist Sooners
Comment below:

Today's agenda

1. Blog on OU crisis
2. Blog today
3. Essay due Thursday
4. Review terms--10 question blog term quiz Thursday

#notonOUrcampus or #SAEhatesme

Read this: Striker speaks out

Have you checked The Lost Ogle's last two posts? 

The OU fraternity crisis:
Five questions to either blog about today, or comment below:
1. With freedom of speech guaranteed in this country, why was the fraternity disbanded?
2. What is your reaction to what happened and how it was handled?
3. What lessons about blogging and media do you take away from this crisis?
4. Is there anything positive coming out of this?
5. What does this do to Oklahoma's image in the country and world?