Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Improving your blog

10 Ways to Make Your Blog Shine

Read this article on blogging. How does yours measure up? Comment below today.


  1. After playing with my blog and finally deciding on the look for it, my blog measures up with this article. My type ( font, color, and size). My background is relevant to the topic of my blog and the color scheme is kept at 3 different colors, making it not too distracting. My blog does need a better way of separating my blog posts. I noticed how the posts are all on ta white background without any bar to separate them and I can see where it might make it look confusing without the divider. I like the idea of a post signature but can't think of a creative one at the moment. Otherwise, I like the direction my blog is headed in and this article has definitely shown me what I need to work on.

  2. After reading the article, I think my blog follows just about every step on improving your blog. I think the colors of my blog really flow and well and go with the overall theme of the blog. I like how my blog layout is simple and it goes with my title "Just Call Me Mel". My title is simplifying my name so I wanted to keep everything else about my blog simple too with a pop of color. I feel like my blog also reflects my personality as well.

  3. I'm definitely not a natural when it comes to creating a successful blog, but I'm also terrible with technology so I'm going to blame it on that! I think that my blog does cover most topics that the article touches on. I'm still in the process of learning how to work the site as a whole, but one thing that I need to do is add a blog header and a signature image. I have a signature sign-off that is "be always blooming". I believe that my color scheme is appealing to the eye and my page flows well. I need to work to better understand how to work blogblog and I think that will help me fulfill all the topics listed in the article.

  4. I think I'd like to work on my blog header. I like my font on my header, but it is a bit simple. While I do believe the more simple the better in most cases, because I find most websites too busy, I'd like to give my header a little more personality. I'm good with my color scheme. I didn't want to incorporate a bunch of colors that don't necessarily go together. Some of the other points the article made perked my interest. I would have never thought of favicons or a signature.

  5. I don't think my blog quite measures up to all of the suggestions in the article, but I like the way it looks with a simple white background and black font. All of my fonts and font sizes are the same, so that fits with the article. I would like to jazz up the top header a little so the title stands out more, but otherwise I like the look of my blog for now.

  6. After reading the article and viewing my blog, I believe my blog is off to a good start. I feel like my blog flows together really well and is very easy to read. It is also appealing to the eye. Its not perfect by any means but I do think I'm on the right track.

  7. After reading the article and viewing my blog, I believe my blog is off to a good start. I feel like my blog flows together really well and is very easy to read. It is also appealing to the eye. Its not perfect by any means but I do think I'm on the right track.

  8. After reading this and looking at other blogs, I think my blog is pretty good for a first timer! There's obviously a lot that I could learn and add to my blog. I think my background, colors, and fonts are pretty good. There is a lot I could add. For example a signature at the end of my posts, some new and different gadgets in my column. I'll get there and until it's perfect I enjoy playing around on it and trying new things.

  9. After I read this article I think my blog is in pretty good shape. Now, I'm not an expert on blogging but I think for just beginning, I am in the right direction with it. One of the main things I took from the article was tip number 9 which states social media icons, I have a gadget on my blog that posts all my tweets and is also connected to my Instagram as well, I believe it is important to have something like this because then people who like your blog can connect with you even better and it makes it easier for them to do so!
    I would like to add the blog post signature to my blog and I need to figure out how to go about that.
    But overall, I think my blog measures up pretty well to this article as I have done most of what it says.

  10. I think mine is doing well, but I also think it still has a long way to go before it looks the way I think it should.

  11. I am happy with mine. I love my background and my use of social media. Excited to get some good content and breakdowns in there.

  12. For the most part, my blog measures up to the article. I think I should add my social media on there because there are sometimes I may tweet something related to the blog that I just decided not to put on the actual blog. If my page wasn't focused on "suave", which is supposed to be a clean look, I would change the color, but the black, white with a hint of grey works well for this blog in my opinion.

  13. For the most part, my blog measures up to the article. I think I should add my social media on there because there are sometimes I may tweet something related to the blog that I just decided not to put on the actual blog. If my page wasn't focused on "suave", which is supposed to be a clean look, I would change the color, but the black, white with a hint of grey works well for this blog in my opinion.

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  15. I believe that my blog almost measures up to the article. I make sure that my fonts are clean and make sense. Also, that the fonts are easy on the eye. I am still searching for the perfect background but as of right now I think the one I have works fine. I am going to be looking into adding social media gadgets so that it can be easily shared. My blog is neat and not chaotic. I think I am off to a good start.
