Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Making your blog shine

Read this article on making your blog shine.Ten Ways

Comment below, today, one thing you learned


  1. I already knew most of these things, so the only thing I can say I learned is about favicons. They are simple little images that appear in the page bar but give your blog a more custom and complete look.

  2. I learned about the variety of post dividers you can put on your blog to prevent all the posts from running together and looking messy.

  3. Learned that you can personalize your widget colors to match with your blog more appropriately.

  4. The article made me want to create my own signature to add at the end of my posts. It also made me re-think the color scheme on my blog. The color scheme really does brand a page and I want to make sure I'm branded with something I like.

  5. I liked #6 about having a custom signature image to sign at the end of all your posts. That could be a good way to get people to recognize your work. And if you become popular enough that could become very useful

  6. This article give you a lot of different custom avenues to help with making your blog better. I am needed some ways to make my blog more pleasing to the eyes and I will honestly use some of there today.

  7. This article did a good job of making me think about the aesthetics of my blog, thankfully with bloodspot they make doing those changes to your own blog fairly straight forward with the dashboard layout.

  8. I like the one about adding more color to my blog. My blog is pretty boring and generic. I need to make my blog more appealing, so random viewers will not be bored.

  9. I like this article because I had a better idea how to design my blog. I know it's very important to have social media icon as well as a blog post signature.
    Now I learned I can also hire a blog designer to beautify my blog!

  10. I liked the first point the article made. The header is the most important piece to your blog. The header sets the tone for the readers and helps them know what your blog is all bout. Creative headers probably attract more bloggers.

  11. I learned the importance of featuring social media icons on your blog. Connecting with your readers through all forms of social media can increase your following.

  12. By reading the post I learned a few new things on being about favicons. I also thought that having a signature at the end of all your posts was a unique and good way to personalize your blog.

  13. Labels on the post is something I learned today. Even though it's not on the 10 ways to improve your blog article you said it and I learned. This will hopefully generate more flow to my blog.

  14. I learned that I need to clean up my widget and make them blend in with the theme of my page. I am going to add my social media icons to add personality to my blog.

  15. The colors and theme of your blog can say a lot to your readers. To many different fonts can make your blog look “sloppy”. Having a blog signature can be a simple personality trait. Your blog header is the most prominent part of your blog. It tells the readers as soon as they see it what the blog is about.

  16. One of the things i've learned and that I am going to apply to my blog is a signature at the end of each post. I think by adding a signature to your post it is a good way to add closure to each post and kind of end like a "happily ever after" kinda way.

  17. One of the things I learned was the Favicon! I have really been trying to personalize my blog lately and I thought it was really cool to change up the picture. For me, it can also grab a readers attention, as well as the headers!

  18. It is important to have blog fonts but only two primary ones. More then two fonts suggest that you lack creativity and you don't care. also a favicon can really help to brand your blog. It is an image that people will associate with you and your blog when they see it.

  19. Flavicon.......wish it would appear all the time. But it's there and hopefully people will be able to see it, considering how small it it.

  20. The headers are way more important than I thought. And I never knew what a flavicon was until today.

  21. I've noticed the tiny images to the left of the URL but never knew what it was called a favicon. Those are good for branding your blog and making it stand out.

  22. I really enjoyed reading this article. One of the main points that stood out to me is the "blog post signature." I never thought of having one but now I want to so I can personalize it more. I will probably add that to my blog.

  23. One of the tips in this article was including a signature at the end of your blog posts to really help your blog shine. I started doing this in my blog as a way to help create the "character" and feel of my blog that I envisioned in my head. The title helps to characterize my blog but the signature I use really helps to set the tone that I want for my blog.
