Official blog of Clark's Blogging for Journalists class, Mass Communication department

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today's presentation

Post one thing you learned and one potential final test question on today's presentation by


  1. Lauren- I learned that gets 450,000 visits a month and over 815,00 page views.. WOW!!! Test question- What is considered unique about the blog?

  2. 1) Lauren Hamilton
    - It's interesting seeing a blog that makes money and can support the founders AND other employees. Also, this was another blog that wasn't started to be a big money maker, but it became more popular than his other blog.
    - Is writers Matt and Betsy's full time job? Yes.

  3. Lauren Hamilton: Always stay personal when blogging. Also, blog with a purpose. What does DIY in stand for, and who started the blog?

  4. People enjoy a blog that is hands on and can get them involved. to whatever you love as work but don't think about them as work. stay ahead of the trend.
    1. what is some social media outlets that they said they needed to work on?

  5. Lauren Hamilton--
    People enjoy a blog that is specialized in this area. I appreciate that they have a professional and clean website. "Try not to follow trends, but try to set them."
    *What is the basis of the diynatural?

  6. 1. Lauren Hamilton

    What I have learned from this blog is to not follow trends. This takes foresight and hard work.

    Potential Test Question – How often do Matt and Betsy Jabs blog?

  7. Lauren: Social media can really help with getting your blog out there. Test Question: What did Matt say about trends (Don't follow them, strive to set them)?

  8. Lauren: I like that it’s not formal and that they teach people how to save money.

    How do they come up with DIY posts, like do they experiment themselves, or is it hear-say from other people?

  9. 1. Lauren - I learned that you can have an idea that blows up, and don't be afraid to take it and run with it.
    Question: Do you need video to be successful?

  10. Lauren Hamilton-I learned to strive to set trends rather than follow them.
    Is it important to personally answer all of readers questions?

  11. Lauren

    What I gain from this presentation was do what you love even it you don’t get paid for it. Also the lay out of the blog DIYNatural is neat, clean and organized.

    A good test question would be from the handout what two things makes DIYNatural Unique.

  12. I learned both Matt and Betsy left their previous jobs to blog full time.
    Test question- How many page views does DIYNatural get a month?

  13. I learned that you should push to make the site really your own that your content should be something you love.
    How was this blog started?

  14. I learned that DIY books are good too but they take so much time so it's actually more beneficial for Matt and Betsy to post online via youtube videos and tutorials.

    Test Question- What is the most important thing about blogging when it doesn't go the way you planned at first (go with the flow)

  15. 1. Your blog should change according to your readers. If a video is more helpful then that's what you should be posting or if more thorough instructions are needed then that.

    How do they balance the use of videos, pictures, and words for their posts?
